


 民國52年次的林秦葦,台南成功大學電機系畢業,退伍後曾在竹科的全友電腦行銷部門服務。於民國87年,他以15萬元創立康富生技,一腳跨入營養保健事業領域。如今康富研發生產的養生保健產品,已成功打開市場並上興櫃。林秦葦強調,康富重視與員工的真心相處,員工就像一家人,有任何看法、建議,都歡迎來表達,上下之間沒有距離,反而像世界巨頭搜尋引擎Google般,與主管間的距離反而像是同事般,任何建議與想法都可以得到實施的機會,而消費者的意見,規定一天內處理完畢。他的信念是自家員工感動了,才可能進一步也感動消費者,藉以創造出康富生技的價值! ( 康富生技林秦葦 )

(   康富生技林秦葦 )


(   康富生技林秦葦 )

( 綠色小鎮林秦葦 )

曾被綠色小鎮事件絆住腳的林秦葦,並不因此而喪志,反而堅定的信念讓他克服了官司與輿論的壓力,長期與他奮鬥的公司員工,也因其信念幫助他度過難關,雖然持續有麻煩找上門來,他從不向困難低頭!如他堅信的感動來自真心,儘管真心受到不好的對待,不會因此就這樣動搖自己的信念!而不是用真心的人,惹出一堆事端,還在網路媒體上替自己澄清,對此林秦葦儘管被無理的對待也不去多做計較、抗爭、報復,而讓人看見不同的格局處事方式,認真過好自己的生活,別人的事我無法多說什麼,人家這樣待我,我也只能檢討自己、為人處事更加的投入,不違背自己信念的同時,篩選交往的對象! ( 綠色小鎮林秦葦 )

If you’re at the stage of dreaming about a reno or exploring ideas, these small choices are a good place to start to warm your heart and set you up to truly enjoy winter indoors. 

Imagine enduring the coming winter without your gorgeous gas heating, perfect pumpkin soup and hot showers before bed….actually, don’t! The mere idea is enough to make you shiver. Don’t risk freezing all through winter! There’s still time to sort some small changes that will keep the chill from coming inside. Here are a few easy home reno ideas that you can get up and running before the cold winds really start to blow.

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SORT YOUR WATER: It can be easier to improve your enjoyment in lockdown life just by making sure the little luxuries are all sorted for winter. That means making sure you have instant hot water on tap at all times, and a good heating system. Maintenance matters! If you have creaky, unreliable hot water, and you want to make those ghastly mid-shower blasts of cold water a thing of the past, go for an instantaneous gas hot water system. Gas hot water gives you soul-warming hot showers before you snuggle into fresh PJs and head to bed, the chance to have a hot spa whenever you’re feeling the chill, or a daily soak in a beautiful bubble bath, even if the temperature is in the single digits.

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WARMER, WARMER:  What kind of warm winter is possible without a heating system? The best reno you could go for this year, with a whole lotta home time on the horizon, is a whole-house system you can control, and that you can use for hot and cold all year round.  We like Natural Gas ducted heating, which allows you to set the temperature in different rooms (the bedroom for those chilly nights, or ease it off in the kitchen when you’re grilling up a storm!). And yes, they have those coveted cooling options for those hot summer months that will hit us next season when we want to kick back with an iced lemonade and chill watching Netflix. Check out ducted and hydronic heating systems and warm those cockles for now, but know you can cool them down when summer comes around (and we’re finally entertaining friends at our place again!).

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THE GREAT (WARM) OUTDOORS: In winter, it’s tempting to shut the door against the world and stay under your doona, never venturing past your front door unless you have to. But now we’ve been sheltering inside for so long, staying inside has us bored to tears! So this winter, make the most of your outdoor spaces with simple reno ideas that’ll see you actually use them. Think about connecting to Natural Gas so your BBQ never runs low, expand your outdoor area with instant gas heating, and take the chill out of the water so you can keep using your pool all year round! If you only use your pool a few weeks a year, now’s a good time to investigate natural gas pool heating (and other offers on heaters, BBQs and more), since the beaches and public pools are closed. 

Transform your home with Natural Gas appliances.